Furry porn, also known as yiff or furry yiff, is a subculture and genre of pornographic media featuring anthropomorphic animal characters with human-like features and personalities. These characters, known as fursonas, are often created and used by individuals in the furry community.
The furry community itself is made up of people who are interested in anthropomorphic animals, also known as "furries." This can include anything from enjoying artwork and costumes of such characters to identifying as one oneself.
The content of furry porn can vary widely, but it often depicts sexual acts between fursonas. This can include traditional heterosexual and homosexual relationships, as well as more exotic or fetishistic scenarios. The artwork and videos are often created by members of the furry community and can be found on various websites and social media platforms.
It's also worth noting that furry porn, like any other form of pornography, is intended for adult audiences and should only be consumed by individuals who are legally able to view such content.
In conclusion, furry porn is a subculture within the furry community that creates and consumes pornographic content featuring anthropomorphic animal characters known as fursonas. It's important to approach this topic with respect for the community and the individuals who create this content.